Alfredo Zelaya Martinez
Alfredo is currently a pastor for the GTA West congregation and works with the Canada East Mission Centre (CEM) of Community of Christ. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from York University in Toronto and over the last twenty years has been employed as a Principal of a private school, a personal care worker with developmentally delayed children, and as the Inter-school Sports Director for a group of private elementary schools. Using his native language, Spanish, Alfredo has joined World Accord as a translator and group leader for projects in Honduras.
His first love however, is being a part of the team leading the Sr. High Camp Community program of CEM. Over the last 8 years, Alfredo, his partner Tiona, and their team have tripled the size of the camp and professionalized the program, adding a strong leadership development focus. Along with a team of young adult leaders from this leadership development program, Alfredo recently co-founded Community Place+. This is an intergenerational program designed to bring a community building experience to those who will never relate well to the Sunday morning worship models, by exploring new ways of being in community within the Community of Christ. In 2014 and 2015, he shared this message in Australia leading to the implementation of Community Plus.
Alfredo is an active participant in all types of sports and enjoys both summer and winter camping expeditions. He and Tiona have two young children, Lohen and Rhylan, inspiring their lives and keeping them busy. However, they still have time to help anyone who needs an encouraging word or who is searching for a supportive community to join.
Alfredo’s personal motto is “get busy living…."